Travelling with your dog this summer outside Andorra?

One of the concerns that dog owners have when summer and vacation season arrives is finding a destination with hotels that accept animals, that are “pet-friendly” establishments.

Nowadays, you can find websites on the Internet with advice for traveling with dogs. They have publications with all kinds of recommendations and destinations to go to with dogs.
You can find information on excursions, routes and/or activities to enjoy with your pet.

Depending on the length of your trip and the destination you choose, it is advisable to obtain a guide to the country and have all necessary documentation up to date, such as your vaccination card.

Depending on the destination, it is also important to keep in mind the prevention and treatment of leishmaniasis. This disease can be transmitted by mosquito bites. It is advisable to have a veterinarian near the hotel where you will be staying.

When renting a car or vehicle, be careful not to leave your pet inside it without any ventilation system and/or in full sunlight.
Animals also need to drink water, especially with the rise in temperatures, they need to be constantly hydrated. Be careful where you go on holiday with your pet, because if you choose a destination with high temperatures and high humidity, they are at greater risk of dehydration.

It is also advisable to ask the car rental company to provide canine restraint devices, such as a harness or a carrier. And do not forget to ensure that they have insurance for the cars you rent.

In short, before asking yourself where to go with my dog, ask yourself, what does my dog need on vacation?

Here is a list of the essentials:

Before going on a long trip, get your dog used to going on trips, even if they are just weekend trips, where he has to get used to the fact that he can find himself in unfamiliar places, such as hotel rooms, relatives’ houses, etc.

. Si el viaje es en coche y no está acostumbrado, unas semanas antes seria conveniente acostumbrarlo a los trayectos en coche, sobre todo para evitar los mareos.

. Hacer una visita al veterinario antes de iniciar el viaje, sobre todo tener las vacunas al día.

. Asegurarte de llevar toda la documentación que le hace falta: Pasaporte europeo, cartilla de vacunas, certificado del veterinario (dependiendo del país) y la documentación del chip.

. Llevar un botiquín canino con todos los imprescindibles que en caso de urgencia, puesto que a la estar en un país desconocido, no suponga ningún contratiempo.

. Sobre todo un bol pequeño y plegable, para poder poner agua o comida, en el supuesto de que donde vayáis no encontréis.

Happy holidays with your beloved animals!

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