We have prepared a ranking of the most contracted and, why not say it, most necessary insurance policies for individuals residing in Andorra.
Technicalities, clauses, variety of offers? At Assap we know that the world of insurance is complex, but we also know how important it is to have coverage that guarantees you and your loved ones maximum peace of mind in all areas of life.
Moreover, when we talk about Andorra, it should be taken into account that it presents different specificities as a country, which should be assessed before contracting any insurance service. For this reason, and because we know that the world of insurance in Andorra insurance in Andorra is not simple and because we know that you are looking for the best coverage, we have prepared a ranking with the most contracted and, why not say it, most necessary insurance for individuals residing in Andorra.
And yes, before you wonder, in our next blog post we will do the same ranking with business insurance.
1. “CASS Supplement” insurance

As you may already know, medical care in Andorra operates through a co-payment system. As a general rule, the user assumes 25% of any health expenses generated in medical and pharmaceutical centers in the country. The insurance “Complement CASS“ASSAP covers the return of 25% of the total medical and pharmaceutical expenses incurred by the insured or his beneficiaries, which are not covered by the Andorran Social Security Fund.
In addition, Assap also offers you the extended Cass Complement insurancewhich, in addition to covering the return of 25% of the total medical and pharmaceutical expenses incurred by the insured or his beneficiaries, and not covered by CASS, guarantees the reimbursement of medical expenses in approved centers in Spain.
2. “Complementary Wage” insurance

Are you on sick leave due to an illness or a non-occupational accident? The best solution in these cases is to have a salary supplement insurance. Thus, the Supplementary Wage Insurance from ASSAP is particularly recommended for self-employed and CASS insured persons who want to guarantee the salary not covered in the event of sick leave due to illness or accident.
This coverage is recommended for employees or self-employed persons who contribute to the Andorran Social Security and want to guarantee 100% of their salary or monthly income.
3. Medical insurance for passive residents

It is a truism. During the last few years, Andorra has become an important pole of attraction for people from all over the world who wish to establish their residence in the country without developing a work activity. In this sense, Assap responds to the needs of the market and, therefore, we have an insurance package adapted to the singularities of this type of resident.
In this sense, one of the mandatory requirements for passive residence is to have medical insurance with coverage in Andorra. Thus, with our Top Salut insuranceinsurance, we guarantee you the best health benefits in Andorra and have medical coverage worldwide, with a private medical assistance policy that includes the reimbursement of expenses for all those who are not affiliated with CASS.
4. Accident insurance

Skiing, in the mountains, working or just taking a walk…. Whatever the time or the activity, the truth is that no one is exempt from suffering an accident.
At Assap we know that your peace of mind is everything and, for this reason, we offer you the best accident insurance. accident insurancewith which compensation is guaranteed for the beneficiaries in the event of an accident that causes the death or partial/absolute disability of the insured.
Recommended for people working in a risky profession.
5. Home Insurance

Fires, burglaries, water leaks, glass breakage, floods… How many complicated situations can occur in a home! At Assap we are fully aware of this and, for this reason, we have the home insurancea coverage that responds to all these unforeseen events and also to the damages that these unforeseen events may cause to a third party.
Do you need more information or personalized advice about our insurance services for individuals? Ask for a free quote on our website.